From New Hire to Regional Manager in 2 Years: Kahli’s Better Rehab Story

At Better Rehab, our industry leading training and learning opportunities lets team members progress their careers at lightning speed!

With mentorship and guidance, our Regional Manager Kahli was able to move from early practicing clinician to Team Leader to Regional Manager in only two years!

In this interview, Kahli shares her experience and discusses the support she received that led to her incredible career development and progression. To quote Kahli, “I have been wholeheartedly supported and encouraged since I first started at Better Rehab, and I still am to this day supported to continue to be the best I can be.”


When did you first join Better Rehab and what was your role?

I first joined Better Rehab in July 2019 as an Occupational Therapist. I was working as a clinician at our Bankstown office. I had only 18 months experience in an occupational rehabilitation role prior to coming to Better Rehab.

Can you share with us your journey from your first role to Team Leader? And Team Leader to Regional Manager?

I sent an Expression of Interest for a Team Leader role just 2 months into my Better Rehab journey.

My TL at the time had discussed with me what my goals were and had taken note that I had expressed interest in moving into a leadership position.

It was my Team Leader’s support that encouraged me and gave me the confidence to apply. I remember feeling incredibly supported and encouraged by my leaders at the time and their unwavering confidence in my ability to step into this role.

After stepping into the TL role, I found my passion for supporting others and being part of the bigger picture of an organisation that truly values quality, innovation and employee and customer experience. I truly believe the work that we do at Better Rehab, especially the work of the clinicians who are on the ground supporting people and improving quality of life, is amazing, so anything that I can do to make their job and experience at work better and supporting them to reach their potential is so important to me.

From TL to Regional Manager

About 9 months into my TL role, I expressed to my managers my interest in continuing to develop as a leader and move into a Regional Manager role. I was immediately supported with this decision and my managers assisted me in setting goals, highlighting my areas of strength and addressing areas of improvement to get to the next level.

This took hard work and determination to harness my strengths, and confront and improve on my areas for improvement to make me into the leader I am today. I wholeheartedly contribute my ability to get to where I am today to the mentorship I received.

In March 2021, I applied for a temporary Regional Manager role which I was lucky enough to be successful in and after a few months in this role I was offered a permanent position! I am currently the Regional Manager for Maroubra and Dee Why offices and am thoroughly enjoying the role and working with the team.

What kind of support from Better Rehab did you find helpful as you moved to a leadership role?

Better Rehab has unique programs, guides and resources to access when you are both in a leadership role or looking to get into a leadership role. I have found value in attending our leadership workshops and retreats, as well as completing the Team Leader Development Program. This has provided theoretical understanding of leadership models and practical strategies for application.

Kahli (back row, second from right) scales new heights with other Better Rehab leaders at the Leadership Retreat.


There was, and still is, a continued commitment to my goals and individualised strategies and recommendations to help me get there.

The most valuable support I have received from Better Rehab is the mentorship and personal experiences. I have received a significant amount of time, energy, advice, guidance and mentorship from a number of different people at different levels and in different areas of the organisation. I have learnt something unique from each of their expertise and am grateful for the willingness to support and invest in each and build each other up.

Do you have a message for clinicians thinking of joining Better Rehab?

Better Rehab truly gives a damn about their people. I have been wholeheartedly supported and encouraged since I first started at Better Rehab, and I still am to this day supported to continue to be the best I can be. I have truly had a wonderful experience at Better Rehab and have never experienced more devotion to supporting you and assisting you to achieve your goals.

I would definitely recommend Better Rehab to anyone and everyone. There are many different career paths – clinician, clinical leadership, operational leadership etc. – and your aspirations are put at the forefront to support you to succeed in the direction you want to go.

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