6 health conditions physiotherapy is good for

Physiotherapists can help people living with chronic illness or disability, or those who have recently undergone surgery.


If you have pain or suddenly noticed that you can’t move as much as you used to, you may be advised to see a Physiotherapist. However, Physiotherapy isn’t limited to treating or managing acute injury, such as sudden neck pain, back pain or a frozen shoulder. Physiotherapists can also be involved in supporting people living with chronic illness or disability, or those who have recently undergone surgery.

Physiotherapists can:

  • Assess your mobility and balance
  • Design an exercise program to help you gain muscle, improve strength and build stamina
  • Provide hands-on treatment to decrease muscle pain and stiffness
  • Give advice on proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Prescribe appropriate mobility aids and equipment

Let’s look more closely at how Physiotherapy may benefit you.

Is Physiotherapy good for someone with a disability?

Our Physiotherapists are highly trained to provide support to those living with disability. In particular, those with chronic conditions that affect balance and movement, such as Parkinson’s Disease, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, brain injury and chronic pain, may benefit from a session.

Physiotherapists can also offer help to children and adolescents who have difficulty moving, due to developmental delays and intellectual disabilities, by helping them see exercise as a fun leisure activity and a way to socialise.

Physiotherapists always begin with understanding the goals you want to achieve. A goal can be something like, “I want to be able to walk for 30 minutes without pausing to sit or catch my breath.” They will then assess your movement and look at the various factors that limit your mobility and your ability to achieve this particular goal.

Is Physiotherapy good for pain or stiffness?

One factor affecting mobility may be pain or stiffness—perhaps you feel pain whenever you walk, or feel that your joints feel rigid and can’t move freely. Physiotherapy’s strategies and techniques share some similarities with Exercise Physiology as Physiotherapists can provide treatment for your pain and stiffness through physical interventions such as stretching, joint manipulation or exercise. They can also give advice about posture and positioning when you sit or lie down. If walking on land is too painful, they may prescribe hydrotherapy, which involves carrying out the exercises in a heated pool so you can be buoyed up by water and move without feeling restrained by gravity.

Is Physiotherapy good for building strength?

Your strength and endurance can fade away after long periods of inactivity. Physiotherapists can give hands-on support to slowly develop and improve your upper limb, lower limb and core strength so that you can return to independent movement. They can also prescribe appropriate equipment and assistive technology, such as a walking aid, to help you reach your goal and show you how to properly use the equipment to avoid further injury.

Is Physiotherapy good for treating respiratory problems?

A factor that also limits mobility are respiratory problems. Physiotherapists can provide respiratory treatment which can include anything from teaching you breathing exercises to assisting you in the use of devices that alleviate problems in respiration.

Is Physiotherapy good for chronic disease management?

A disease is considered “chronic” if it has been present for six months or longer. Examples of chronic diseases include asthma, epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Physiotherapists can help you manage and minimise the effects these diseases have on your stamina and energy levels by giving you lifestyle advice. This advice can include things such as healthy eating habits, ways to reduce stress and prescribing an exercise plan tailored to fit your needs.

Is Physiotherapy good for post-surgical rehabilitation?

Physiotherapy can improve your surgical outcome and speed up recovery, especially for elective orthopaedic procedures such as the following:

  • Total knee surgery
  • Total hip surgery
  • Joint replacement surgery
  • Hip replacement surgery
  • Partial hip replacement
  • Partial knee replacement

After your discharge from the hospital and a period of rest and healing, your Physiotherapist can help you return to independent movement at home through exercises that strengthen your muscles and helps you move the affected joint through its full range of motion. This will also help prevent post-operative complications such as excessive pain and swelling.

Access Physiotherapy funded through the NDIS

We hope this information has helped you see the benefits of Physiotherapy. If you are an Australian living with disability, you may be eligible to receive funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Better Rehab is an NDIS registered Allied Health provider, so if you or someone you know is funded through NDIS, or if you were wondering what kind of support we can provide you, do give us a call!