Joseph acquires a wheelchair with beautiful art

Take a look at Joseph’s wheelchair with beautiful art that honours his Aboriginal heritage!

Joseph has bilateral lower limb amputations and requires a wheelchair for mobility. Unfortunately, he has had a long history of being provided poor quality and unreliable wheelchairs.

His old and second-hand power wheelchairs often broke down, which would leave him stranded and require a lot of assistance to return him home. He was often told he was not able to go out for scheduled shopping trips with his friends or see his family in the community, which was very upsetting for him as it affected his independence. Joseph also loved exploring the surrounding parks and gardens of his home, but his wheelchair often couldn’t move efficiently across grass or any terrain that wasn’t concrete.

With the help of his Occupational Therapist Deni, he was able to acquire a wheelchair that was not only brand new and suited his needs, but was also custom-made with beautiful art that honours his Aboriginal heritage!

With his mobility needs finally sorted, Joseph would like to work on his health and fitness next, and is looking to engage with Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology in his next plan.

In the meantime, Joseph is very excited to see family and friends in the community and to show off his “new wheels”!

If you would like to book an appointment with Deni or another Occupational Therapist from Better Rehab, please call our friendly Admin team on 1300 0 REHAB (1300 073 422).