Susan is back doing what she loves – thanks to hydrotherapy

One of the best things about working at Better Rehab is being able to help people do the things they love.
For Susan, that has meant being able to cook again.
Diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), which impacts the nervous system and can cause limb weakness, tremors, numbness or blackouts, Susan had difficulties walking, standing and using her arms for activities such as cooking.

How hydrotherapy has helped

Better Rehab Physiotherapist Carolyn, who has been working with Susan for two months, identified how hydrotherapy could help. The results speak for themselves: Susan is now not only able to stand with assistance, but also carry out simple cooking activities like cutting up food and stirring a pot.

With Carolyn’s help, Susan’s future is looking brighter. She’s excited about the prospect standing on her own and cooking an entire meal independently. Ultimately, she is looking forward to improving her fitness enough to be able to go shopping.

For Carolyn, seeing Susan achieve small goals is the key to her staying positive and continuing to make progress.