How we help participants with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders enjoy a better quality of life

At Better Rehab, our Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists often work together to create comprehensive and effective therapy plans for participants with EDS and HSD.

The Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) are a group of 13 genetic disorders that affect the body’s connective tissue, making them fragile and stretchy. This fragility and ‘stretchiness’ can affect the skin and joints and other systems in the body.  

While each disorder or type has its own features, some are shared, such as joint hypermobility, skin hyperextensibility, and tissue fragility. The most common type of EDS is Hypermobile EDS and the most common symptom of EDS is scoliosis, which is the abnormal sideways curvature of the spine.  

In addition to joint hypermobility and fragile skin, EDS can also cause chronic fatigue, digestive problems, such as heartburn and constipation, autonomic dysfunction (when the autonomic nervous system does not regulate properly) and make people more prone to dizziness and bruising.  

Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) are connective tissue disorders that, like most types of EDS, cause joint hypermobility and instability, injury, and pain. HSD can occur on its own or as part of EDS.  

What is hypermobility?

When a person has joint hypermobility, their joints have a greater range of motion.  

This increased flexibility can cause joint instability, partial dislocation (also called subluxation), complete dislocations, sprains, and other injuries. These injuries can lead to pain, limited movement, and limited ability to perform everyday activities, such as bathing, dressing, cooking, shopping, cooking, chores, study and work.   

How our Physios and OTs help participants with EDS and HSD 

For many people with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD), a therapy program that combines Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy can enhance their ability to enjoy greater independence in daily living and improve their ability to move more comfortably and with less or no pain.  

 As most types of EDS and HSD cause joint hypermobility and instability, which lead to injury and pain, our Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists create tailored therapy plans that focus on reducing joint subluxations (partial dislocations) and complete dislocations, sprains and strains. 

What does a Better Rehab EDS and/or HSD plan look like?   

Every plan created by our Physios and OTs is tailored to meet the specific needs of each participant. For participants with EDS and/or HDS, their program can include: 

  • A focus on low-impact strengthening while also targeting coordination and fitness  
  • Manual therapy techniques such as soft tissue massage  
  • Recommendation of suitable lifestyle adjustments   
  • Assistive technology (AT) recommendations and one-on-one instruction for each device  
  • Education on pain relief  

If you would like more information on how our Physios and/or OTs can help you or your loved one, please contact Better Rehab on 1300 073 422 or email us at