What is an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment?

Our Better Rehab Occupational Therapy team explains the process of getting a driving assessment.

Our Better Rehab Occupational Therapy team explains what an occupational therapy driving assessment is and the process of getting a
driving assessment.

What is an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment?

An Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment takes place to obtain important information relating to someone’s ability to drive a vehicle. This information helps establish whether someone is legally and safely able to be in control of a vehicle.

At Better Rehab, we offer two components to the Driving Assessment:

     1. An off-road assessment

     2. An on-road assessment

Both assessments are completed with a specially trained Occupational Therapist (OT).

Off-road Assessment

The off-road assessment involves the driver trained OT assessing the person’s driving history, medical background, physical mobility, vision and knowledge of current road rules.

It consists of a series of cognitive, physical and visual activities, that are directly related to the skills that we require for driving. It usually takes around 60 minutes.

On-road Assessment

The on-road assessment involves the client, OT and driving instructor driving a driving instructor’s vehicle, around a specific route that assesses a range of driving skills—for example: Decision making, reaction time, attention and driver safety.

The driving instructor sits in the front passenger seat and directs the person throughout the assessment while the driver trained OT sits in the back and assesses the person’s condition against their ability to drive safely.

What happens after the Driving Assessment?

Following the tests, a comprehensive report of the results and the driver trained OT’s recommendations will be passed onto the relevant governing body. This report will outline the OT’s suggestions regarding whether a driver’s license be granted or renewed with conditions.

Examples of recommended conditions could include ‘no night driving’ or ‘only driving within a 20km radius of the place of residence’ and should the driver trained OT deem car modifications necessary, the details of this would also be included in the report.

You can expect the OT to be very open and honest about the clients driving, and potential concerns that the OT would have. In some circumstances, the OT can suggest that the client undergo some lessons with a driving instructor—or engage in a remediation/rehabilitation program that is set out by the OT.

In other situations, the outcomes of the driving assessment may suggest that it is no longer safe for an individual to continue to drive.


Other driving assessments will see people be encouraged to continue to drive as they previously were.


If you are looking for a Driving Assessment for yourself, your client or your family member, or if you have any questions at all, please reach out to our friendly team!

We offer a FREE, 15-minute phone consultation. To book yours:

Call us : 1300 073 422

Email us : admin@betterrehabiliation.com.au

Fill out our Contact form : https://betterrehab.com.au/contact-us