Robert’s journey towards independent living

Robert moves into his own place for the very first time, thanks to the support of his Occupational Therapist Rebecca!

Robert has been experiencing periods of homelessness and hospitalisation relating to his disabilities. With three days left on his temporary accommodation following hospital discharge, he again faces uncertainty about where he would live and what he would do in the future.

Rebecca, one of our Occupational Therapists, hit the ground running by completing an urgent assessment of his condition, which needed to be completed within 24-48 hours. She worked closely with Robert’s Support Coordinator and placed a direct phone call to public housing to discuss his immediate risk of homelessness and possible further exposure to risks that could compromise his health. Rebecca also summarized her functional assessment findings and outlined Robert’s needs from an OT professional perspective to assist with getting him housing sooner.

Now Robert has a place to call his own, and an OT in his corner to assist him with daily tasks!

“Since moving into his unit, I’ve been visiting Robert every week, and he is closely supported by support workers every day, to assist with this transition to independent living,” Rebecca shares. “I explained the role of OT to Robert at the initial assessment, and now that he has received his own unit/safe housing, he is extremely excited about receiving OT support.”

Rebecca also attended Robert’s recent NDIS planning meeting, “and wrote a very long SIL [Supported Independent Living] report so he can continue to receive much-needed carer support to complement his skill building through OT.”

Robert can’t wait to learn how to budget, cook meals, do the laundry, keep his place neat and tidy and generally become more independent. He has never had anyone in his life to teach him these things before, and Rebecca’s support means the world to him.

“Now that I’ve got my own place, I feel cheerful,” Robert says. He described his one-bedroom unit as “a beautiful place”.

He is looking forward to making Sunday roast, safe and cozy in his new home.

If you would like to book an appointment with Rebecca or another Occupational Therapist from Better Rehab, please call our friendly Admin team on 1300 0 REHAB (1300 073 422).