Mark breathes easier thanks to Physiotherapy

Better Rehab Physiotherapist Stephen started working with Mark in May 2021. Diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease (MND) a few years ago, Mark had not only been unable to shower, dress and feed himself, but also struggling to breathe.

But thanks to Stephen’s support, Mark is now able to get out of his home and is even planning a holiday!

How Stephen has helped make Mark’s life Better

When Stephen started visiting Mark in his home to provide NDIS Physiotherapy services, Mark was confined to his room, because he was ventilator dependent. He wasn’t strong enough to be able to cough properly, meaning he was at risk of choking on food, liquid or his own saliva.

Stephen identified that Mark’s quality of life would be greatly boosted with a portable breathing aid. Stephen knew it would let Mark get out of the house, take part in community activities and help him feel like his old self.

Life-changing technology

Mark has recently received the technology he needs: a Philips Cough Assist (reducing the risk of choking) and two ResMed Astral portable ventilators (letting him get out and about).
Stephen says the results have been “amazing”.
“It’s been so rewarding for Mark’s incredible support workers and I to see the difference this has made to Mark. For him to be feeling so positive about the future is just fantastic!”
And so says everyone at Better Rehab.